Prezentacje prelegentów / Speakers' Presentations

Uczelnia zapleczem naukowo-technologicznym przedsiębiorstw – przykłady praktyczne
Piotr D. Moncarz


Energetyka, infrastruktura i gospodarka
Michał Woźniczka


Polska 2025: Wyzwania wzrostu gospodarczego w energetyce
Tomasz Marciniak


Innowacje i technologie potencjałem gospodarczym
Katarzyna Walczyk-Matuszyk



Prezentacje prelegentów / SpeakersPresentations

Science and Technology - Two Facets of CERN
Prof. Agnieszka Zalewska


Sustainability and Environmental Responsibility of New Energy Systems
Prof. Piotr D. Moncarz


Preserving Our Past, Building Our Future: A Success Story from High Level Research, Professional Practice and Innovation
Prof. Paulo B. Lourenço


COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS An Ideal Research Areafor Innovative Solutions of Challenging Engineering Problems
Prof. Herbert A. Mang


SAFE & ECONOMIC DESIGN OF R/C STRUCTURES by Use of the Proper Bending Moments
Prof. Piotr Noakowski


2D hp Finite Element Simulation of Sonic Measurements in the Borehole
Prof. Leszek F. Demkowicz


Computational intelligence in multiscale and biomedical engineering
Prof. Tadeusz Burczyński


Material Modeling: A Game for Scientists or an Effective Tool to Improve Structures
Prof. Holm Altenbach


New Polymeric Materials Challenges and Perspectives
Prof. Krzysztof Pielichowski


Limit States of Materials and Structures
Prof. Dieter Weichert


Simulation as the third pillar in engineering science
Prof. Rene de Borst


Flood risk management under global change
Prof. Zbigniew W. Kundzewicz


Architecture at the beginning of the fourth industrial revolution
Prof. Herbert Bühler


Multisystem locomotives - the future of European railways
Prof. Grzegorz Skarpetowski